| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Customer, IFS Cloud, Service Management
Service Management in IFS Cloud: Remote Assistance

Remote Assistance provides technicians with instant access to experts who can help them resolve problems they encounter while working in…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology, IFS Cloud, Manufacturing
How shipbuilding can chart a course for Maritime 4.0

There is no doubt that Industry 4.0 has driven dramatic changes in the manufacturing of products, machinery, and equipment. Its…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | assyst Blog
| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Events, IFS Cloud, IFS Unleashed, Service Management
Service City – creating a service-driven community at IFS Unleashed

Times of change, challenge, and growth IFS has come a long way over the last three years. Not only have…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Cloud, Customer, Service, Service Management
Service Management in IFS Cloud: Service Catalog
Service Management in IFS Cloud

Service Catalog is an integral part of your field service infrastructure. It allows you to standardize and simplify your service…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | IFS Cloud, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Food and Beverage planning and forecasting – dark art, science or a bit of both?

As consumers, we have high expectations when it comes to our favorite food brands. But do we really appreciate the…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Cloud, Service, Service Management
Service Management in IFS Cloud – Enhanced Mobile Functionality
IFS Cloud for enhanced mobile functionality

The most efficient and productive remote workforces are connected, relying on integrated field service management technology and real-time data to…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology, IFSCloud, Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Contracting for U.S. Defense Manufacturing procurement success – the opportunities and the pressures

Contracting with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) can represent a significant revenue opportunity for A&D manufacturers, but this doesn’t…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Cloud, Construction & Engineering, Events, IFS Unleashed, IFSCloud
IFS Unleashed – Accelerate, Elevate and Unlock new possibilities for Constructors and Engineers

In this latest blog, IFS, Global Industry Director – Construction and Engineering (C&E), Chris Knight shares his thoughts on the…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Energy, Utilities & Resources, Events, Oil & Gas
A bold new future for the energy sector: Innovate and inspire at IFS Unleashed

There is a growing need for us all to live and work more sustainably, this requires us to review our…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Discrete Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning Blog #3

Trying to plan the unplannable with DDMRP Following on from my last blog, about which parts are best suited to…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Automotive
IFS Unleashed – An opportunity for manufacturers to share, reflect and unleash!

Hello – it’s great that the gates to ‘in-person’ networking have officially re-opened! I’ve really missed interacting face-to-face with colleagues,…

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