| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology, Research, Strategy
The key to customer satisfaction and profitability for third-party MROs
The key to customer satisfaction and profitability for third-party MROs

Effective maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) and resource management are key to customer satisfaction and profitability for third-party MROs. The…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Events, Mobility, Service
IFS: Accelerating growth in the long-term
Accelerating Growth in the Long Term

The 2018 World Conference is all but done – but we’re finishing on a growth mindset. Learn how IFS can support your business growth, how WorkWave can bring the IFS ethos to smaller companies, and how Kyocera is making the journey to servitization.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Events, Strategy
GDPR and information security: what you need to do

Attacks by hackers are only getting worse – and more professional. GDPR is the first major government response to this. Business needs to get its house in order, and at IFS we take security very seriously.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Strategy
Configuring IFS Applications to work your way with custom objects
Configuring IFS Applications to work your way with custom objects

You can make IFS Applications sing to your business’s tune without changing a single line of code, through harnessing custom objects. Here’s how.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Events, Service
IFS Field Service Management upgrade best practices: Eickhoff customer story
IFS Field Service Management upgrade best practices: Eickhoff customer story

Imagine trying to manage one-of-a-kind mining machinery miles underground, and wind turbine on hillsides or in the sea. Imagine an inventory of over 56 million parts. Well, IFS FSM managed it, and now Eickhoff are upgrading to FSM 5.7.

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, Evènements, IFS Labs, Technology
Discuter avec IFS Applications est aussi simple que de discuter avec des amis
Chatting with IFS Applications is as easy as chatting with friends - IFS Aurena

Que faire si vous êtes malade, allongé sur le canapé avec une forte fièvre, ne vous sentez pas bien avec…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Strategy, Transform Your Business
10 manufacturing buzzwords you should pay attention to
10 manufacturing buzzwords that you need to pay attention to today and tomorrow

We’re in an age of rolling waves of technologically-driven disruption. Which are the 10 emerging technologies with the biggest chance of impacting your business? Here’s our guesses.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Transform Your Business
Demand-driven MRP: a competitive edge for you in IFS Applications 10
Demand-driven material requirement planning

The world of MRP has hit the buffers, literally. Stock buffers are critical to the new discipline of dean drive materials requirements planning – and it’s new in IFS Applications 10.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Transform Your Business
IFS cloud solutions: overview and principles
IFS cloud solutions: overview and principles blog

Cloud is the future — but not for everyone. Are IFS cloud solutions right for your business — and what questions should you ask before you decide? He’s a rundown of the pros and cons of each option.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Finance, IFS News, Strategy, Transform Your Business
Make better decisions with Business Planning, new in IFS Applications 10
Business planning, a part of the corporate performance management offering in IFS Applications 10

Good business planning depends on good business information. If you data lives in IFS, shouldn’t your planning live there , too? With IFS Applications 10, it can.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Manufacturing
HEXPOL Stellana: From paper to digital resource sharing with IFS Applications 10’s operations blocks

Making the most of bottleneck resources is vital to boost manufacturing efficiency. The new resource sharing tools in IFS Applications 10 will allow you to make more of your assets – automatically.

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| | Estimated reading time: 12 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, Service, Supply Chain, Transform Your Business
The rise of servitization and the industry’s “what’s next”
The rise of servitization and the industry’s “what’s next"

Live blog coverage from the IFS World Conference 2018 break-out session, “The rise of servitization and the industry’s ‘what’s next’.” Nowhere in…

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