Read the latest IFS blog posts from the Service industries experts at IFS here. These authors understand the issues and challenges you face – read their thoughts from around the world on new technologies and market developments in service management. Learn more about IFS’s expertise in the Service industries.

| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Digital Transformation, Service, Strategy
So you are servitizing your business… now what?
servitization of the field service industry

The field service management landscape is changing and it’s powered by servitization. Enterprise organizations across multiple industries are embracing servitization…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Digital Transformation, Oil & Gas, Research, Service, Strategy
The servitization of the oil and gas service industry
The servitization of the oil and gas service industry

Oil and gas organizations are embracing servitization and leveraging technology to increase profit margins and core service offerings. In general,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Digital Transformation, Mobility, Service
The “5 Ps” of service management
preventative maintenance software

Every business and industry love using abbreviations and acronyms. Some are more memorable than others are, and there is one…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Technology, Mobility, Service, Strategy
Unstick your technician: 3 easy steps to simplify your technician’s life so they’re more productive
mobile applications for field service management

A mobile application that’s configured to your business needs may be exactly what your field technicians need so that they’re…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Service, Strategy
Don’t mute your customer
field service technicians

How field service technicians can increase customer satisfaction by providing customers with a voice. Don’t be the field engineer who…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Business Technology, Service
2016 Mobile Star Awards: IFS shines in field service management and mobile enterprise software

The 15th annual Mobile Star Awards, which recognizes the best mobile products of the year, is hosted by MobileVillage, a…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Technology, Service, Supply Chain
Is your asset management software up to scratch?
field service management

Do you remember the moment you got your first mobile phone? A piece of technology that was going to change…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Business Technology, Mobility, Service, Strategy, Supply Chain
Key benefits of choosing the right service management software
La servicisation, le modèle pour tirer son épingle du jeu dans un contexte concurrentiel

Let’s face it, in 2017 and beyond, if you are relying on whiteboards, spreadsheets and hand-written notes to drive your…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Agility, Business Technology, Finance, Oil & Gas, Research, Service, Strategy
The 4 IT trends fueling the oil and gas industry in 2017

In an industry where there are still few capital projects being initiated following the 2014 price collapse, and pressure on…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Digital Transformation, Energy, Utilities & Resources, Mobility, Research, Service, Strategy
The 4 trends lighting up the energy & utilities industry in 2017
2017 energy & utilities industry predictions

Changes in consumer demand and new opportunities in renewable energy production are leading energy companies to invest in alternative sources,…

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