| | Estimated reading time: 9 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Service, Transform Your Business
Experience will be everything in 2019—starting with your customer

In 2019, as Customer Experience (CX) becomes the key success factor for many Field Service Organizations (FSOs), tackling the talent…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Transform Your Business
Enterprise applications predictions – new perspectives, panoramas and possibilities

AI will combine with new-generation sensors to create a new kind of business automation in 2019. Digital twins will help…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Finance, Strategy, Transform Your Business
Industry predictions – How will technology triumph over turbulence in 2019 and beyond?
Photo by Philipp Birmes from Pexels_Treagust Predictions

2019 is already shaping up to be a turbulent year when finance departments take a more strategic role. After 10…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Agility, Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure, Transform Your Business
Disrupt or be disrupted – the accelerating pace of change in the construction industry

The global engineering, construction and infrastructure (ECI) industry landscape is changing at an unprecedented rate. In this blog, I will…

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| | Estimated reading time: 8 minutes | Energy, Utilities & Resources, Oil & Gas, Transform Your Business
Diversify or disappear: five energy, utilities and resources industry predictions

Renewables accelerating even faster than previously predicted, CX and UX driving innovation, a new generation of proactive consumers driving demand…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure, Transform Your Business
Profits, projects and pressure: 2019 will see many construction companies managing projects digitally for the first time

2019 will see a digital leap forward as many construction companies explore implementing integrated business software into projects for the very first time….

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Energy, Utilities & Resources
How companies can take advantage of the mining industry recovery

The cost-cutting and downsizing of the last few years in the mining industry is at an end. Now, with global…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Construction and Contracting
Le futur du secteur ingénierie, construction & infrastructures: trois critères clés pour choisir un logiciel d’entreprise

Dans le précédent blogpost, je me penchais sur les tendances clés auxquelles font face les entreprises du secteur ingénierie, construction…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Construction and Contracting
L’industrie de la construction se transforme à grande vitesse. Êtes-vous prêts ?
Construction Workers on Laptop

Le secteur de l’ingénierie, de la construction et des infrastructures (ICI) fait face à des challenges très importants pour répondre…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Customer Engagement, Service
Ensuring the ROI of Adding Artificial Intelligence
Adding Artificial Intelligence

Adding artificial intelligence to the contact center is an important decision that involves a significant investment of time money, and…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Transform Your Business
What different types of needs do purchasing departments have?

Drive strategic work to attain the right contracts and organize operational work becoming as efficient as possible. There are general…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, IFS Labs, Transform Your Business
A Quantum Leap in Computing Power

At IFS Labs, we do a lot of things. We take our inspiration from consumer technologies and innovative solutions from…

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