| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Process Manufacturing
Process Manufacturing Council Adds Value to IFS Users

As an industry director for process manufacturing at IFS, I enjoy being in the middle of everything that is happening…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Asset Intensive, Oil & Gas
The Technology that Will Power the Energy Revolution

“The lamps are going out all over Europe,” said Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey as the UK stood on the…

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| | Estimated reading time: 1 minute | Service
Does Big Data Have a Role to Play in Service Management?

The other day, I had an enjoyable conversation with IFS Senior Vice President Larry Laux – one of our most…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Asset Intensive, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Process Manufacturing
7 Steps to Optimizing Operational Capability

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is viewed as one of the key methods allowing maintenance engineers to do more with less at the same time as minimizing risk. RCM provides a greater understanding of the level of risk that an organization is currently managing, as well as supporting the establishment of capital maintenance regimes, thereby increasing cost effectiveness and equipment uptime. Implementing an RCM solution is not necessarily a complex or procedure – particularly if an organization follows seven easy steps…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Events
Two More Compelling Reasons to Attend the IFS World Conference

We may spend more time with our ERP software than with our families. Our relationship with ERP often lasts longer…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Creativity & Innovation
IFS versus Oracle: 3-0

At this get-together in Tokyo, Mr. Saga, the project manager at NEC and representing the customer, held the most fantastic speech. With lots of passion, he shared all the details with us, from the customer’s decision to replace their existing solution with IFS Applications up to the present.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Asset Intensive
How Pulp and Paper Mills are Leaving Millions on the Table

When the industrial revolution came to the paper manufacturing industry in the early 1900’s no one could have envisioned how…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Asset Intensive
Putting the ENTERPRISE in Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Software

The mission of the Enterprise was to go where no one had gone before. Elements of any science fiction story…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, IFS Labs, User Experience
Comment la réalité augmentée va améliorer notre efficacité professionnelle

Les Google Glass sont-elles faites pour les consommateurs ou pour les professionnels ? Les deux à la fois. D’ailleurs, ce type de questionnement n’a plus vraiment lieu d’être, tant les usages professionnels interagissent avec les usages privés, et vice-versa. Sans aller jusqu’à dire que les deux domaines sont en voie de fusion, leur influence réciproque est désormais telle qu’une innovation technologique se développe de plus en plus naturellement dans cette double perspective.

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Business Technology, Mobility, Strategy
Samsung KNOX Android closer to Businesses

I am a firm believer that products should ship with the expected basic set of features out of the box. This is why I think Samsung’s decision announced to ship their KNOX solution to consumers is the right one. Needless to say IFS is backing Samsung’s KNOX initiative—we already have our first apps available in the KNOX app catalog, and more is to come.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, Stratégie, Technology
Le cas Nokia : les leçons à tirer

Se retrouver dans une position difficile se révèle être un bon moteur pour innover car cela vous force en fait à émettre de nouvelles idées. Lorsque vous êtes leader, vous ne souffrez pas. Et pendant que vous vous efforcez à aller de l’avant, il se peut que vous ne perceviez pas les démarches entreprises par vos concurrents et les changements de comportement de vos clients, parce que vous êtes trop occupés à contenter le marché financier.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Strategy
What can we learn from Nokia?

Pain is actually a good driver for coming up with new innovations because it forces you to produce new ideas. Being a leader is not painful. While you are concentrating on looking ahead, you might not detect what the competitors are doing and how your customers’ behavior and preferences are changing because you were too busy pleasing the financial market.

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