As the person responsible for process manufacturing at IFS, I often get asked whether IFS Applications is certified for a…
Read MoreHow ERP helps you be compliant with quality standards and legislation
Read this if you’re still managing project cost control in an Excel spreadsheet
If you manage any project that lasts more than two months, it’s normal business practice to have a monthly project…
Read MoreWhat an article written in 1960 means for 21st Century business agility
What business are you really in? Today, you may be in the aerospace components business. Or the power generation business….
Read MoreThe Beauty Lies in The Simplicity
This post shares a few examples of IFS Quick Reports created by the American company CDF.
The beauty of this solution lies in the simplicity when it comes to extract, present and share data in an easy way.
How to Close the Manufacturing Skills Gap
The global economic crisis has had a significant effect on the manufacturing sector, with the prolonged Eurozone slump impacting demand…
Read MoreHow does IFS stay close to its energy and utility customers?
It has been 30 years or so since IFS got its start in the energy and utilities (E&U) industry. We…
Read MoreIs implementing ERP like dipping your business in concrete?
It is an old joke, that may sometimes target specific software vendors, that implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software or…
Read MoreBusiness Agility Lessons from BMW and Corvette (kind of)
Whether you are a dyed-in-the-wool auto enthusiast or just someone like me who has a more spirited driving style, you…
Read MoreIFS Marketing – One step or one lap at a time
I’m a relative newcomer to both IFS and the world of software, having 20-odd years’ history in the IT sector,…
Read MoreHow to Close the Gap in Automotive ERP
The concept of “just-in-time” manufacturing could have been invented for the automotive industry, one with tight supply chains that demand…
Read MoreWhy Adopt ISO Standards for Asset Management? Here’s Why, and How.
ISO standards are a lot of things. Specifications for products and services. A third party stamp of approval for quality,…
Read MoreModular Technology vs Big Bang – Delivering an agile aerospace and defense organization
When Gartner speaks, we all tend to listen. So when Gartner characterized 2014 as the dawn of post-modern ERP – where the enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite is de-constructed into a more federal, “loosely-coupled” ERP environment – I not only listened, but agreed. Because this is exactly the trend we are seeing in the market for enterprise software in the demanding aerospace and defense software industry.
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