| | Estimated reading time: 1 minute | Creativity & Innovation
Business KPI for Dreams and Emotions

How can you, as a company, share with investors the most important ingredients for new innovations, namely dreams and emotions? How can you, as a company, explain tools (e.g. company culture) and processes you have in place to mass-produce ideas that will later become profitable innovations? Is it possible to measure, communicate or even benchmark the ability of companies to create and share dreams in a financial document such as a quarterly report?

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Creativity & Innovation
Tip for 2012: Be Specialized—It has worked the last 10,000 years

What happens when you cut off the ability for people to specialize and exchange? The answer is that you slow down technology progress—or even regress. There are studies to prove this, e.g. what happened Tasmania 10 000 years ago when it was isolated as the waters rose. But we don’t have to look back some 10 000 years. Look what has happened with societies such as North Korea or some of the Arab countries when people have been cut off from the ability to specialize and trade.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology
Be Agile When You Go Agile

There are two aspects of business travel, especially on the long haul flights, I still enjoy. One is the hours without any inflow of e-mails or other communication. The second is the chance encounter with an interesting person. On my way to IFS development center in Colombo, Sri Lanka the other week I ended up next to bald middle aged lady wearing a turban. This will make for an interesting few hours I thought, and sure it did.

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| | Estimated reading time: 1 minute | Creativity & Innovation
Idea Generation is a High-volume Business that Takes Time

The more ideas you produce, the higher is the probability that one of them is a bright one. But are you spending enough time and do you have the right processes in place to boost ideas within your company? So what does this YouTube clip tell you about your creative processes?

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Creativity & Innovation
Communicate the Future to Drive the Present

Being creative and coming up with ideas is important, but having the skill to communicate ideas or a vision is business critical too. Being able to describe the future in rational terms (numbers or products) is just as important as describing the future in emotional terms (how it will feel for all concerned).

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation
Business Apps Can Take You Faster through the Economic Downturn

At last weeks IFS VIP event I asked for a volunteer to try one of our existing apps. In the back, a lady waved intensively and shouted “I want to try, I want to try”. I gave her my phone and in a single click she had authorized her first travel expense and purchase order – and she was so happy. When she had completed her very first travel expense, including a photo of a taxi receipt, she was literally dancing on the stage…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Creativity & Innovation
Attention Addiction Helps in the Creativity Process

Every now and then I update my Facebook status. Afterwards I can see myself falling into the trap of measuring my personal success based on the number of comments or “Likes” my post received. Sound familiar? This incentive of getting people’s attention is a very powerful tool to use in a creative process. It can make wonders.

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Creativity & Innovation
Employees are Good – Customers are Great!

Great innovations doesn’t necessarily translate into large investments. More importantly is a clever design that exactly solves a certain problem. That’s why the creativity process needs knowledge and inspiration from your customers and stakeholders. The problem however is to get the information from the customer of exactly how they work and what their challenges are. You normally don’t get such information in a conference room with a Danish pastry and a cup of coffee. You have to look elsewhere.

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