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Maintaining a comprehensive inventory of your IT components can be a challenging task. With technology playing a critical role in various business processes and evolving demands, having an up-to-date and precise Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is vital for making informed decisions that uphold the best IT Service Management (ITSM) practices.

We caught up with one of our IFS assyst customers, Jon Murphy, IT Delivery-Infrastructure at Cintas, to learn about their best practices when implementing the CMDB solution to their organization.

1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew

When starting a CMDB project, it’s easy to get carried away with the number of IT components you want to document. However, it’s essential to start small and focus on the most critical assets first. Identify the most crucial assets that support the critical business processes, and document those first. As the CMDB matures, gradually add more IT components until you have a complete picture.

For their CMDB implementation, Cintas took a phased approach, with the first phase getting the core infrastructure together and pushing out the minimum viable product.

2. Get buy-in from across the board right at the start

Implementing a CMDB requires the cooperation of all departments within an organization, including IT, finance, operations, and security. Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the project and understand the benefits of implementing a CMDB. Getting buy-in from everyone early on ensures that the project runs smoothly and that everyone is committed to the success of the CMDB.

Jon’s team realized early on in their implementation project that the speed at which they can get things done is affected by how many people are on board from the beginning. When everyone understands and is behind the mission, the barriers to successful implementation can be significantly reduced.

3. Keep everyone in the loop

Communication is key to the success of a CMDB project. Keep everyone in the loop and ensure that they understand the progress of the project. Regularly communicate the benefits of the CMDB and how it will impact the organization. Keeping everyone informed ensures that everyone is on the same page and reduces resistance to change.

Building a CMDB requires many moving parts and is an arduous process. It’s common to see unexpected things crop up or priorities shift. In this regard, it’s crucial that there are open communication lines between the different people involved, so everyone has a thorough understanding of what’s going on.

4. Demonstrate the value early on

One of the most common reasons for CMDB implementation failure is the inability to demonstrate value early on. If stakeholders don’t see the benefits of the CMDB, they may become disillusioned and disengage from the project. It’s essential to start with a clear and concise understanding of what the CMDB is, how it works, and the value it brings to the organization.

What pain points is your organization experiencing that a CMDB could help alleviate? This could be anything from reducing downtime, improving incident management, or increasing the effectiveness of changes.

Incorporate these in your implementation plan and break them down into small, manageable tasks. Not only will this allow you to demonstrate the value of the CMDB in a tangible way but will also help with minimizing the risk of failure.

5. Remember that patience is key

Implementing a CMDB is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a significant investment of resources. Success won’t happen overnight, so patience is key. It’s common for organizations to become frustrated and disheartened when they don’t see immediate results.

Manage expectations by establishing a realistic timeline for the CMDB implementation and communicate this timeline clearly to all stakeholders. Another key factor in maintaining patience is to celebrate small wins along the way, again by demonstrating the value a CMDB provides quickly. As you complete each phase of the CMDB implementation, take the time to recognize and celebrate the achievements. This will help keep morale high and maintain momentum for the project.

What’s next for Cintas?

Cintas continues to add more to their CMDB, understanding the various relationships within their tech infrastructure and how different components interact. They’re looking to leverage their CMDB to strengthen their security and supercharge their self-service capabilities, thus improving the service experience for everyone across the business.

If you’d like to hear more of their story, you can read more here.

Build a streamlined and accurate CMDB with IFS assyst

Creating an effective CMDB that organizations can fully leverage is no easy task but when done right, it provides a great amount of value to the business. IFS assyst is helping enterprises better manage their CMDB even in the most complex IT environments.

Want to know more? Why not take a chance to discover how IFS assyst can help you build a streamlined and accurate CMDB? Contact us today for a quick chat!

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