| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate culture isn’t so bad—ever heard of Corporate Social Responsibility?
Corporate Social Responsibility

The author Charles Dickens, in most of his works, used his storytelling to condemn the industrial revolution. Dickens’ outlook on…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Strategy, Transform Your Business
Strategic resonance is the 3rd of the 3 cornerstones reinforcing business longevity

Sustainable, balanced and ethical practices are driving new opportunities for corporate strategy to resonate with stakeholder demands as global culture…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Process Manufacturing, Transform Your Business
Everyone wins in 2019 – being authentic, responsible and transparent will unlock new revenues for process manufacturers
Process Industry Predictions

Near Field Communication and e-Labels will drive a new revolution in product information. The war on plastics will escalate to…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Process Manufacturing, Transform Your Business
Taking sustainability seriously is not an option it’s an opportunity for innovative growth

For many years the world has seen organizations founded to drive progress in environmental sustainability. The list is long, and…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Manufacturing
Sustainable Manufacturing: an Opportunity, Not a Punishment

As manufacturers face a customer that increasingly demands sound, eco-friendly products , they are increasingly looking at how they can…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Research, Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
In 2018 retailers will look to innovative store concepts, Blockchain and supply chain transformation
In 2018 retailers will look to innovative store concepts, Blockchain and supply chain transformation

Digital is everywhere in retail today. The threat from more agile, internet-based companies continues to drive traditional players to try innovative…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Finance, Research, Strategy
2017: Sustainable strategies or volatile velocity — which will it be?
2017: Sustainable strategies or volatile velocity — which will it be?

Remember ‘business as usual’? For many, it seems lifetimes ago. 2016 was one of the most volatile socio-political years in…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Digital Transformation, Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
Brave new world of retail: sustain and entertain in 2017
This will be the year of retailtainment.

2017 will be a fantastic year for retailers to experiment by trying out new ideas. There’s only one thing they…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
Sustainability within Retail, something for you to consider? Definitely!

Sustainability is one of the major trends facing retailers in a consumer-driven marketplace. As mentioned by Marian Salzman at NRF,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
2016 Retail industry predictions

IFS’s Global Industry Director for the retail sector, Ulf Tillander, predicts how three key trends will be impacting the industry…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Retail
Speed Means Agility and Equals Sustainability, CSR

In my previous post in November, I highlighted the importance of speed and agility to retain and gain competitiveness. The…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Aerospace & Defense
Sustainability Monitoring – Do you do it? 68% of UK A&D companies don’t!

…and those that do, use manual spreadsheets! Governments of the world have been working towards an improved level of sustainability…

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