While IFS Applications 10 brings an evolution in user experience with Aurena, the underlaying technology enabling that smooth migration is truly revolutionary.
Read MoreIFS Aurena: Engaging everyone, everywhere with an outstanding user experience
IFS World Conference 2018: Darren Roos and IFS Applications 10
IFS World Conference kicks off by introducing new CEO Darren Roos and IFS Applications 10, a major upgrade that pushes the platform into a custom-centric future.
Read MoreCollaborez et engagez tout au long du cycle de vie du service avec IFS Applications 10
Keeping customers means staying close to customers. IFS Applications 10 brings three new tools for keeping engagement tight, connected and continuous.
Read MoreIFS World Conference 2018: Darren Roos et IFS Applications 10
IFS World Conference kicks off by introducing new CEO Darren Roos and IFS Applications 10, a major upgrade that pushes the platform into a custom-centric future.
Read More“Hire for Culture”: the story of a purple brand
2018 has started and many of us are looking forward to what is to come in the next eight or…
Read MoreService leaders: what kind of risk taker are you?
You’re at a party. A stranger approaches you with a coin held out in the palm of her hand. She…
Read MorePeer Reviews: The modern word-of-mouth for enterprise buyers
You need to buy a new pair running shoes – the best that will meet your needs. What’s the first…
Read MoreA proven example of artificial intelligence in IFS business software
In the previous blogs, I have been talking about what artificial intelligence (AI) is and some of the hype and…
Read More3 étapes pour une expérience client connectée et des services inégalés
En tant que clients, nous nous sommes habitués à la satisfaction instantanée de nos besoins grâce à l’uber-connectivité. Vous est-il…
Read MoreFabricants: avez-vous opté pour la servicisation?
Pour se démarquer dans le secteur de la fabrication industrielle, les entreprises doivent opter pour la servicisation en associant les…
Read More3 reasons you’ll want to attend IFS World Conference 2018
New products, new people and new interactive Industry Zones. There’ll be a whole lot of ‘new’ at IFS World Conference…
Read MoreERP 2028: Un coup d’oeil vers le futur
IMAGINONS-NOUS DANS 10 ANS. A QUOI RESSEMBLERAIT UN ERP EN 2028 ? Au cours de ces trente dernières années, nous…
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