| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Events
IFS Tail Planning Optimization & Assignment: Aerospace & defense break-out session

Civil aviation tail planning is getting more complex – and Emirates is growing fast. Optimizing use of the fleet safely is critical and IFS is delivering.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Technology, Events, Service
How to benefit from Smart Maintenance
Smart Maintenance

Today I represented IFS in a panel discussion where we hosted a business lunch together with Marstrat on Smart Maintenance…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Oil & Gas, Research
Predictive Maintenance – What’s stopping us? [Part 1]
Predictive Maintenance in Oil & Gas

When hype meets reality – that’s when we all need to listen! Working in the software industry, you are constantly…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Finance, Strategy
Environmental reporting is not just hot air [Part 1]

In 2015, 6.2 gigatonnes of carbon (tCO2e) were traded globally valued at $52.8Bn, and the figures are accelerating. The Greenhouse…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Automotive, Business Technology, Supply Chain
GALIA Certification for IFS Automotive Extension Automotive Supply Chain

IFS Applications recently received the GALIA Certification for the automotive industry. Who is GALIA? Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Agility, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Strategy, Supply Chain
Tips for overcoming today’s top 5 supply chain challenges

In the enterprise resource planning (ERP) environment, a supply chain faces a number of operational challenges. With the right strategy,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
Sustainability within Retail, something for you to consider? Definitely!

Sustainability is one of the major trends facing retailers in a consumer-driven marketplace. As mentioned by Marian Salzman at NRF,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 1 minute | Unkategorisiert
10 Tipps zum EMail Management
Fresh Start

Täglich werden geschäftlich fast 120 Milliarden EMails versendet und empfangen, Tendenz steigend. Hier kann man leicht den Überblick verlieren, unter…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Research, Retail
Retail industry — a change would do you good

IFS recently carried out a global survey of over 1,000 IT decision makers from companies in 12 countries. The survey aimed…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Retail, Strategy
3 key learnings from NRF: new retail concepts demand technology change

Recently back from NRF – Retail’s Big Show 2016 – I have had some time to digest my impressions. What…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
2016 Retail industry predictions

IFS’s Global Industry Director for the retail sector, Ulf Tillander, predicts how three key trends will be impacting the industry…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, IFS Labs, Technology
Comment j’ai connecté ma voiture à IFS Applications en utilisant des trucs achetés sur eBay

Chez IFS Labs, cela fait un moment que nous nous intéressons de très près à l’Internet des Objets. Il en…

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