| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology
Augmented reality – the next big thing in A&D maintenance?
Augmented reality – the next big thing in A&D maintenance?

People want to fly. Cheaper flights, more fuel-efficient aircraft and a wider choice of destinations all contributed to the 3.8…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Leedale wins Supply Chain Pros to Know recognition
Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine’s Pros to Know awards program

It comes as no surprise to anyone in the IFS family that once again, IFS Senior Advisor Bill Leedale has…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, IFS Applications, Strategy
CSR and the art of bicycle maintenance
Corporate Social Responsibility

Unearthing the essence of true value one bike at a time. Corporate value is a commodity based on an ability…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation
What’s next for the airlines that have already transformed our travel and trade?
Fleet Optimization

I love airports. Perhaps it is the time of year or the fact that every time I step into an…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Agility, Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Finance, Research, Strategy
2017: Sustainable strategies or volatile velocity — which will it be?
2017: Sustainable strategies or volatile velocity — which will it be?

Remember ‘business as usual’? For many, it seems lifetimes ago. 2016 was one of the most volatile socio-political years in…

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Digital Transformation, Retail, Strategy, Supply Chain
Brave new world of retail: sustain and entertain in 2017
This will be the year of retailtainment.

2017 will be a fantastic year for retailers to experiment by trying out new ideas. There’s only one thing they…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Agilité d'entreprise, Créativité & Innovation, Industries, Technology
La Blockchain, au delà de la finance

En juin dernier, Richard Branson lançait le « Blockchain Summit ». L’évènement a vocation à résoudre des problématiques économiques et…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Aerospace & Defense
Full aircraft planning – from head to tail – whatever the weather
Full aircraft planning – from head to tail – whatever the weather

Growth in global air passenger demand continues to rise year after year with no sign of slowing down. If you…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Aerospace & Defense, Business Technology, Digital Transformation, Strategy
Improving operational availability in civil aviation and defense with advanced analytics
Improving operational availability in civil aviation and defense with advanced analytics

The growing interest in digital transformation can be seen through the increased use of advanced analytics. A recent survey by…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Events, Retail
IFS World Conference 2016 from a wholesale and retail perspective

Over 1,200 people from 50 countries joined us in Gothenburg, Sweden for IFS World Conference 2016. After yet another successful…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Events, Supply Chain
Efficient warehouse data collection – straight into IFS

  Jakob Björklund IFS Where are we going with our warehouse data collection solution? We see a great benefit in…

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