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Construction & Engineering (C&E) has struggled with productivity over the last two decades. Statistics and data tell us this isn’t isolated, it’s a global trend.

It needn’t be the case. The industry is perfectly placed to reap the rewards of digital transformation and become technological leaders in the age of AI. It must shake off the mindset that ‘it’s always been done like this’ and embrace the power of technology to drive more efficiency, productivity, profitability and sustainability.

We see huge potential for an ‘industrialized’ construction industry. Harnessing the transformative impact of cloud, digital and increasingly, AI, to deliver projects in a different way by moving to a more productized model with increased standardization of processes and materials. This trend results in less on-site work and more off-site construction, and a factory-like approach to building assets. We are already seeing houses printed from concrete. There is so much change and only one place to learn about it: IFS Unleashed 2024.

Why you need to attend IFS Unleashed 2024

At IFS Unleashed 2024, you will have the opportunity to connect with a global audience of peers,  industry experts, and IFS’ research and development team. You will learn how C&E leaders are embracing cloud and AI technologies and best practices to take their organizations to the next level. You will learn new ways to deliver even more impact to your business.

Embracing digital transformation in C&E

There are developments taking place that have far reaching consequences that your business must start to embrace or be left behind. Intelligent and dynamic solutions, digital transformation, AI design, and smart construction processes will move the industry forward. These shifts are underpinned by adopting Modern Methods of Construction which is enabled by IFS Cloud.

Total asset lifecycle management

At IFS Unleashed 2024, we will bring to life the important concept of Total Asset Lifecycle Management (TALM). The adoption of TALM provides you with much greater revenue assurance, flattening out the peaks and troughs historically seen in C&E. You will hear how it unlocks entirely new revenue streams, enabling more growth opportunities for your business.

Techniques to shift mindsets

For years there has been a constant battle to adopt new technologies and deliver repeatable  project processes with improved predictable project performance. Too many organizations remain resistant to change, and history tells us this is never a good outcome. At IFS Unleashed 2024, you will learn how to tackle these trends and challenges head-on, providing practical guidance on overcoming resistance to properly embrace innovation. At the event we will encourage a more tech-centric mindset among C&E professionals as a catalyst to implementing forward thinking systems, tools and processes.

Embracing standardization in C&E

C&E has always looked at each project as discrete, but with the technology available today, standardization can have a game-changing impact. From standardized parts and materials, to processes and policies, C&E can still build remarkable things but in a more cost effective, efficient and sustainable way. Think Lego, where despite the parts being uniform, you can still build amazing things. At the event, you will hear from customers and experts how your organization can reap the benefits of standardization.

Join us in Orlando

IFS Unleashed 2024 will offer you unparalleled networking opportunities, learn from world leading experts, hear first hand from inspiring customers, and provide you with new knowledge, tools and solutions. You’ll leave with actionable insights, new ideas and the knowledge needed to transform your organization.

Check out to see what we have in store. Make sure you register early to get the best price. We can’t wait to see you in October and help you unleash your full potential with IFS and

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