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Last year I predicted that energy companies needed to diversify othey would disappear. Renewable energies are no longer a plan for the future, they are a reality that make up a significant portion of our energy supply today. To compete, power generation companies are diversifying and investing in renewable energy. 

But this introduces fresh business management challenges alongside traditional methods of power generationdriving companies to embrace new business models that bring new challenges. 

The power generation industry is changing

By 2040, sixty-six percent of the global energy market will be in renewables.  

A key driver of this change is the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels. The implementation of Taxes and regulations to achieve global environmental goals are making the use of fossil fuels impracticalAnd consumer demand for green energy is causing suppliers to favor sustainable energy sources.  

But the demand for energy is increasing. 

In 2018, global energy demand grew by two point three percent, the fastest since 2010. And by 2040 the equivalent of a whole new China and India will be added to the planet’s global energy demand, a thirty percent increase compared to today.  

To supply this demand and react to external pressures, power generation companies are turning to renewable energy sources 

Power Generation

Different Diversification Options 


Power generating companies are taking advantage of the changing marketMany are investing in renewable energywind farms, hydro stations, solar power, and biomass. As a result, solar and wind’s share of electricity generation is already growing, from one percent in 2007 to around seven percent in 2018. 


Energy storage projects offer an alternative route to diversificationBattery energy storage solutions providflexibility to the grid and enable a more reliable energy supply from renewable sources. Some companies are entering into partnerships with car manufacturers to recycle electric vehicle batteries for power storageenhancing their environmental credentials.  


Other companies are working with communities to set-up microgrids. They are offering decentralized energy to rural areas or to self-sufficient energy projectssuch as business parks and residential estates, allowing them to use their own renewable energy sources to power their community 


Another, less established path to diversification is to enter the retail space. Shell will become an energy supplier through the acquisition of First Utility. Now Shell Energy supplies 100% renewable energy, as well as broadband contracts, smart home technology, and boiler servicing to UK homes.   

Power Generation

New business models  

All diversification drives three significant changes to business structure: 

  1. Joint ventures  acquisitions and joint ventures are becoming more common in the power generation industryas businesses look to expand their capabilities.  
  2. Two-way exchange of powe the power generation business model is changing from one-way supply to a two-way exchangeas consumers become active energy producers and supply their additional power back to the grid.  
  3. Service centricity  renewable energies require a more service-centric business model than traditional fossil fuel power stations. This means business must maintain aftermarket contracts with OEMs to manage servicing, or become more service-oriented and manage their own assets, bringing significant organizational and cost implications. 

Meet these new challenges 

Switching to renewable energy sources presents specific challenges to power generation companies. 

  • Maintenance & reliability 
  • Long-term planning
  • Technology 

Diversification into renewable energy sources presents a management challenge for power generation companies, requiring a significant change to company structure. The success of these new business models will depend on the implementation of the right enterprise technology solutions. 

And IFS can help. Read more in our ebook to discover how IFS software solutions can support businesses on this diversification journey. 

Power Generation

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