| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, Evènements, IFS Labs, Technology
Discuter avec IFS Applications est aussi simple que de discuter avec des amis
Chatting with IFS Applications is as easy as chatting with friends - IFS Aurena

Que faire si vous êtes malade, allongé sur le canapé avec une forte fièvre, ne vous sentez pas bien avec…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, IFS Labs, Transform Your Business
Chatting with IFS Applications is as easy as chatting with friends
Chatting with IFS Applications is as easy as chatting with friends - IFS Aurena

What if you’re ill, laying on the couch with a high fever, really not feeling well with a bucket next…

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| | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes | Créativité & Innovation, Evènements, IFS Labs, Mobilité, Technology
IFS Aurena: Engagez tout le monde, partout, et avec une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle.

While IFS Applications 10 brings an evolution in user experience with Aurena, the underlaying technology enabling that smooth migration is truly revolutionary.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Asset Intensive, Business Technology, Events
How work orders get better in IFS Applications 10
The heart of asset management is the work order: Learn how we have improved it

Getting maintenance done is a detail-oriented job. But how do you make Word Orders both more detailed but also more intuitive? IFS Applications 10 has the answer.

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, Events, IFS Labs, IFS News, Mobility
IFS Aurena: Engaging everyone, everywhere with an outstanding user experience

While IFS Applications 10 brings an evolution in user experience with Aurena, the underlaying technology enabling that smooth migration is truly revolutionary.

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