When it comes to selecting enterprise software, you can make some general assumptions about what most companies want to achieve:…
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Chris is a senior business consultant for the Maritime and Offshore market at IFS where he has worked for nearly 20 years. Chris is heavily involved in Project and Asset lifecycle industries, including Oil & Gas, Shipbuilding & Ship repair and EPC (I). Chris’ main responsibilities are supporting ERP-projects in the global maritime and offshore market. He is therefore ideally placed to understand the real challenges faced by organizations working in project-based industries. He is a key member of the IFS product directions board and plays an instrumental role in the decisions regarding IFS product strategy. Chris Thomassen regularly writes expert articles and blogs that are published in the Dutch media.
The Challenges of Selecting Software for Project-Based Service Companies
The race for the digital shipyard
Shipbuilders, private vessel owners and ministries of defense around the world are mandating and investing heavily in transformational digital technology…
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