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Global Head of Enterprise Asset Management, Kevin Price, discusses why IFS being the only company named as a Customers’ Choice in the 2025 Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Enterprise Asset Management Software report is the right accolade, at the right time.

Have you ever heard that any press is good press? Or what about any accolade will do? Personally, I have always struggled with these statements because I think there will always be press for the right reasons and press for the wrong reasons.

The same is true for accolades – one will always want to receive an accolade via third party validation, that they are the best at what they do versus being omitted from that 3rd party or receiving any negative connotation.

This is why the right accolades, from the right press sentiment, will always be far more appropriate.

One of the most recent accolades, the Garter Peer Insights (GPI) placement, carries just that – the right press and the right accolade.

Let me break down what I mean. The GPI Quadrant “Voice of the Customer” for Enterprise Asset Management ranks its vendors based on two axes…

  1. What do respondents feel is their overall experience of the vendor and their solutions – i.e., has your experience been a good one with vendor _____?
  2. What do respondents feel is their user interest and adoption level? – i.e., have the people who use the vendor kept their interest in the technology in high regard and are able to quickly incorporate the vendor’s technology into their daily work lives?

Needless to say, where you are looking to be placed (as a vendor) is in the top-right corner where experiences are good and there is technology that matters – i.e., the “Customers’ Choice”.

Also, equally needless to say, is that the feedback data incorporated to create this quadrant comes directly from voluntary customer responses – people who actually use the solutions and express their own opinions. Therefore, this accolade will fall squarely into the “right accolade, from the right press” category, as it comes directly from where business actually occurs.

Speaking as a technology vendor, however, I must say that this type of accolade can be the most difficult to obtain AND retain because it means that your level of customer obsession must both very high and extremely on-point as they point to questions that tend to keep you up at night… like:

  • Are you doing all the right things to ensure that your customers (at all user levels) have a memorable AND enjoyable experience because of your technology?
  • Can your customers reach their milestones and goals in a timely and budget-friendly manner?
  • Did your customers reach their expected value, build upon that value at their own pace, and grow their business as you grow your technology?

It may sound corny, but one of the best accolades that I’ve ever heard is a customer’s spouse who told me a story about how their loved one came home from work to talk all about how a new feature in our software that helped their department, was easy to use and meant that they could get home at a reasonable hour instead of struggling with the “new update” (as they had to do before we began working with them).

Believe it or not, that is an accolade I’ll take any day, every day, and even twice on a Sunday. It’s those stories that keep us doing what we do. It’s why we ultimately build out composable technology platforms (so customers can implement what matters when it matters), why we focus on elegant user experiences (people should be able to get into a software as quickly as they get out of it), why we build out to specific industry needs so that customers have a better “kickstart” to getting to value, and why we absolutely LOVE our jobs.

Accolades matter, like the one that places IFS as the only vendor recognized as a Customers’ Choice for Enterprise Asset Management Software. IFS customers just don’t like what we do, they LOVE what we do… and we LOVE working together with them along every step of their journey.

IFS’s enterprise asset management (EAM) solutions manage customer assets for the entire lifecycle. With AI capabilities for asset lifecycle management and improved asset performance, customers can gain a complete picture of their asset position, enabling them to maximize asset value, improve safety, and increase productivity.

Learn more about IFS EAM here.

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