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The design industry has seen amazing progress in tools that allow everyone to create polished and professional-looking designs. With the incorporation of AI, these tools are empowering those without formal design training to produce visually appealing work.

It broadens the customer base for design tool producers, but its significance goes beyond financial gains. This democratization can be seen as beneficial as it brings creativity to a wider audience. However, while these tools can help create visually appealing designs, professional design requires a broader skill set that extends beyond just aesthetics.

The role of professional design

Design encompasses more than just visual appeal; it’s about solving problems, understanding user needs, and creating evidence-based solutions. The ability to make something look attractive is only one part of the equation. True design requires a deep understanding of users, their challenges, and how best to address them through thoughtful, researched solutions.

Potential issues to look out for

  1. Lack of evidence-based design: Without proper research, many new designs risk being based solely on personal preferences or AI suggestions rather than real user needs. This can lead to designs that look professional but may not effectively serve their intended purpose.
  2. Deceptive professionalism: Advanced tools can polish designs to look highly professional, which might be misleading. A visually appealing design does not automatically ensure functionality or usability. Stakeholders or hiring managers might be impressed by the appearance, overlooking fundamental issues that only an experienced designer might catch.
  3. Dilution of design standards: As the field of design becomes more accessible, there is a potential for variation in design standards. While diversity in design is valuable, it’s crucial that basic principles and best practices are maintained to ensure quality and effectiveness.

IFS approach to UX research

At IFS, we understand the critical role that well-researched design plays in creating successful products. That’s why we emphasize the importance of UX research. Our research program is designed to ensure that our designs are user-centered and evidence-based. Moreover, when we recruit new UX professionals, we specifically look for strong research skills. We believe that a deep understanding of users and their needs is essential for creating designs that are not only beautiful but also functional and effective.

Learn more about our research program

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