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Mobile efficiency is not only about data creation.

One of the things that bring most value for me using my mobile devices compared to my laptop is the always-on capabilities a mobile device offers. For instance, executing a banking task; the time it takes to start the laptop, open the web page, login to the bank account—during that time I have already finalized the task with my banking app. It’s exactly the same when I authorize supplier invoices or create a travel expense with the designed-for-purpose business apps IFS Touch Apps—I can execute my tasks so much quicker.

Mobile efficiency is not only about data creation. Mobile devices and apps offer quick access to knowledge thanks to optimized data consumption through Google search. Without Google search, the Internet would be a big black hole where valuable information would be nearly impossible to find. The reason for this is because the Internet has too much data that can’t be structured and the only way to navigate is using search engines. It’s actually the same with ERP systems. They are too big to be structured, holding millions of transactions across many business units.

I know that many IFS customers utilize the easy but efficient feature in IFS Applications called Quick Reports. It’s a tool that lets you extract, present, and share data in an easy way. Quick Reports is also available as an IFS Touch Apps called IFS Quick Reports. There is also an app called IFS Quick Facts, for performing enterprise-wide searches for just about anything in IFS Applications.

Below you will find a few examples of quick reports created by an American company called CDF, an innovator and producer of flexible liquid packaging. My thanks to Alex Ivkovic for sharing these examples.













On Wednesday, I will be giving a keynote talk at the IFS customer conference in Frankfurt. I will focusing on innovations in IFS Applications 8 and hopefully provide inspiration to companies who are looking to boost productivity and remain competitive—both now and in the future. IFS Applications 8 is a platform for innovation that helps companies to be more efficient and to serve their customers better than their competitors. We have focused our investments in both IFS Applications and  the upgrade process to make the step from older versions to the latest version of IFS Applications much quicker and cheaper.

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