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Today, September 19, 2012, the IFS blog has been up and running for one year. Join me in celebrating our “one-year-old’s” birthday.

Looking back over year, I can see how my behavior has completely changed. I have constantly had the radar switched on when it comes to learning and being influenced by my favorite subject—creativity and innovation. Writing blogs is also a fantastic way to process thoughts and ideas as you have to put them into words. I hope we have inspired you through the blogs to think and act differently when it comes to innovation and technology.

For me personally, IFS Blogs is just one channel among many others for sharing ideas and thoughts about how you as individuals and as a company can be more innovative, i.e. come up with more product innovations faster and in smarter ways.

At IFS, we have a clearly defined Innovation Platform that makes us faster and smarter than the competition when it comes to serving our customers with new product innovations. The ERP market has become really interesting over the past couple of years. Many ERP vendors acquired niche companies to broaden their product portfolio in specific areas. IFS has acquired three companies in the past two years—360 Scheduling, LatinIFS and Metrix—resulting in market-leading functionality in mobile field service, for instance. As a software vendor, the success in serving your customers depends on your ability to utilize your best resources across your organization and cross-fertilize their skills with our customers’ skills and requirements. A strong culture of innovation in a company brings these talents together in your organization.

Thanks to our agile software development methodology, we can launch products more rapidly to our customers.  The way we ‘prototype’ IFS Applications during development ensures that user experience and product quality are maximized. In most cases, new products launched to market can also be deployed as add-ons to the version customer are currently running, giving them faster time to value.

So, let us put this year of blogging behind us and look ahead to sharing more innovation and technology inspiration as we enter the second year of IFS Blogs.

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the IFS World Conference in October (15-17). I can promise you a number of great product innovations.

3 Responses

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    Muneera Sheriff

    Btw, Is there a way to delete the comments we posted with any typo or errors?


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