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It has been predicted that within the next few years a quarter of the global workforce will be made up of mobile workers. Although the bulk of this growth will occur in traditional established markets, non-traditional markets will also show a significant increase in mobile workforce.

There are five key drivers behind the mobility revolution:

  • Businesses and individuals like to communicate on the move
  • Mobility increases corporate productivity and competitiveness
  • Broadband devices are well developed
  • The technologies and services are available
  • Mobile technology supports personal communication and the continued spread of digital information and content.

Today IFS launched a brand new mobile workforce page.

Whether you are a businessman traveling from airline to airline, or a field engineer

battling against the elements, there is a common denominator—neither of you can afford to be cut off.


Value is created if you can reduce the administration ‘clutter’ between your next meeting and optimize your business day. Or, as you are throwing your toolbox into the trunk, if the work order is set to ‘complete’ on your phone.

In providing mobile users with the appropriate range of functions for their work environment IFS has assimilated the processes that are crucial to their specific job function.

When I speak with prospective customers about mobility and ERP I point out the scenarios with Field Technicians and Business People. The two roles have very different requirements on mobile solutions but are equally valid. Mobile solutions makes sense to both.

I’m eager to know what you think of it.

One Response

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    Shabir Mohamed

    It surely provides the employees with more breathing space and to think with a bit of relaxation. Working out of office trying to find solutions can indeed mean that the mind is set to have a broader perspective in terms of analyzing the problem at hand. To think for a solution that is more towards a GLOBAL SOLUTION rather than an IN-OFFICE SOLUTION…:D


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