| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Asset Intensive, Energy, Utilities & Resources
How does IFS stay close to its energy and utility customers?

It has been 30 years or so since IFS got its start in the energy and utilities (E&U) industry. We…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Strategy
Is implementing ERP like dipping your business in concrete?
ERP like dipping your business in concrete business agility

It is an old joke, that may sometimes target specific software vendors, that implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software or…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Business Technology, Strategy
Business Agility Lessons from BMW and Corvette (kind of)

Whether you are a dyed-in-the-wool auto enthusiast or just someone like me who has a more spirited driving style, you…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Strategy
IFS Marketing – One step or one lap at a time

I’m a relative newcomer to both IFS and the world of software, having 20-odd years’ history in the IT sector,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 2 minutes | Automotive, Business Technology, Strategy
How to Close the Gap in Automotive ERP

The concept of “just-in-time” manufacturing could have been invented for the automotive industry, one with tight supply chains that demand…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Asset Intensive, Oil & Gas, Process Manufacturing, Strategy
Why Adopt ISO Standards for Asset Management? Here’s Why, and How.
ERP Podcast Series from IFS

ISO standards are a lot of things. Specifications for products and services. A third party stamp of approval for quality,…

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Aerospace & Defense
Modular Technology vs Big Bang – Delivering an agile aerospace and defense organization

When Gartner speaks, we all tend to listen. So when Gartner characterized 2014 as the dawn of post-modern ERP – where the enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite is de-constructed into a more federal, “loosely-coupled” ERP environment – I not only listened, but agreed. Because this is exactly the trend we are seeing in the market for enterprise software in the demanding aerospace and defense software industry.

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Creativity & Innovation, Strategy
IFS in the Hall of Fame

IFS is among the top ten of Sweden’s best workplaces for the fifth year in a row. This post explains why!

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| | Estimated reading time: 4 minutes | Business Technology, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing
Trying to Make Sense of the Conflict Minerals Rule? Good luck with that!

Regardless of your position on government mandates for corporate social responsibility, one thing is certain. The U.S. Securities and Exchange…

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| | Estimated reading time: 6 minutes | Business Technology, Creativity & Innovation, IFS Labs, Mobility, Research, Strategy
The Making and Breaking of the Internet of Things
Industry 4.0

2014 will go down in history as the year when the Internet of Things (IoT) hype peaked. Thus the interesting question becomes what will happen next? Will IoT follow the usual pattern of a set-back due to overinflated expectations, only to return later as widely adopted part of our lives? Or will IoT be the exception that goes directly from hype to use?

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| | Estimated reading time: 7 minutes | Business Technology, Manufacturing
How Can I.T. Keep Up with the 3D Printing Revolution?

3D printing has continued to hit the headlines with some fascinating use cases, such as the architects in Amsterdam that…

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| | Estimated reading time: 3 minutes | Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure
What can the construction sector learn from other industries?
Crossrail tunnel under construction

Last month I attended the 19th Annual Future of Utilities Conference in London and was part of a panel discussion…

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