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The manufacturing landscape continues to evolve rapidly, and staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. As industry leaders in manufacturing, you face challenges like workforce shortages, an ongoing drive to improve the sustainability of your operations, and the task of understanding and implementing the latest and greatest technologies.

IFS Unleashed 2024 will help you address these challenges head-on, offering invaluable insights and practical solutions to propel your business forward. Here’s why you can’t afford to miss IFS Unleashed in Orlando.

Attend IFS Unleashed for global experts and actionable insights 

IFS Unleashed 2024 presents a unique opportunity to connect with a global audience of industry peers, IFS experts, and thought leaders from across the business landscape. This event is more than just a conference; it’s a convergence of the brightest minds in manufacturing and beyond. Whether you’re looking to share insights, discuss challenges, or peer into the crystal ball of the future of your industry, the networking opportunities are unparalleled. You’ll have the chance to engage with IFS’s R&D support and product teams directly, gaining firsthand knowledge about the future direction of IFS solutions and how they can benefit your organization. 

Navigating the talent crunch 

The manufacturing industry is facing a talent crunch, especially in roles requiring specialized skills. At IFS Unleashed 2024, you’ll discover how companies use AI and robotics to address this issue. For instance, hear from manufacturing leaders like Cheer Pack about how they have integrated IFS Cloud with robotics to drive efficiencies and free up employee time away from menial tasks to give them responsibilities that drive true value for the business. The manufacturing breakout sessions will demonstrate the practical applications of AI in predictive maintenance and operational efficiency, showcasing real-world examples of how technology can transform your operations and tackle one of the largest issues hitting the manufacturing sector today. 

Embracing Sustainability and the Circular Economy 

Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s a critical business imperative. IFS Unleashed 2024 will delve into “remanufacturing” and the circular economy. You’ll learn how to embed these practices within your operations to achieve cost savings, improve resource efficiency, and reduce environmental impact. This is your chance to understand how sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into your business model, positioning you as a leader in environmentally responsible manufacturing. 

Across industries from design, through manufacture, into maintenance and service, you will learn, how technology is driving down costs, improving productivity and reducing CO2 emissions. This is why you can’t miss IFS Unleashed 2024. 

From the factory floor to the cloud 

From talking to our customers, we know that many manufacturing companies are eager to transition to the cloud and capitalize on an integrated, holistic view of their data but are apprehensive about the complexities involved. IFS Unleashed 2024 will feature sessions from pioneering customers who have successfully made this transition. Learn from their experiences about the benefits of transitioning to the cloud, the work taken to get there, and how much easier it is to keep up with the latest updates and new technology. It’s a step change from previous ways of app-based working, but the benefits of this new way of working unlock tools and data needed to rise above manufacturing’s critical hurdles. 

Join us in Orlando 

If you’re in the manufacturing industry, you need to be in Orlando, 14-18 October, 2024, to learn how you can take new solutions, ideas, processes and learnings to your organization. Get ready to ignite your innovation at Unleashed, find unrivaled networking opportunities, expert-led sessions, and world-class training. You’ll walk away with powerful insights and the knowledge to be at the forefront of your industry. 

Check out so you can take practical applications back to your organization. Register early to get the best price. Unleash your full potential with IFS and in October. 

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